C-Store Article: “Restroom cleanliness and employee hygiene can directly impact a c-store’s bottom line.”


Via CStore Decisions

Customer experience is always top of mind, and with two major shows coming up in the next few weeks (NACS, kicking off Saturday, October 1st in Las Vegas, and ISSA, running October 10-13 in Chicago), the connection between how the cleanliness of an establishment impacts customer experience has come up a lot.

Among our convenience and retail clients, FeedbackNow is embedded into one of the largest travel stops in the US, where our feedback sensors and analyzed data help to optimize store operations and ensure their stores are kept up to the level of cleanliness their customers expect. Customers will go out of their way to stop at their location vs. a competitor’s because they know it’s clean.

Our clients often cite that the most important detail to a customer in any store is the cleanliness of the restrooms. This finding is echoed in an article from CStore Decisions. In the piece, a key quote is pulled from a familiar expert:

“ISSA (International Sanitary Supply Association), a global cleaning industry association, found, according to multiple studies, customers value cleanliness more than many other factors when deciding to do business with an establishment.”

The article goes on to follow a successful US convenience store chain, who’s foray into freshly-prepared to-go items had them thinking hard about how the state of their restroom facilities will reflect the quality of their food services.

To learn more about FeedbackNow’s ability to boost operations at c-stores worldwide, check out our dedicated convenience and retail info page.

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